
군함새 작성일 20-05-16 조회1,434

中國 해군, 호주 상륙 작전, 탈탈 털어감.JPG


중국 해군 수병이 호주에서 비상식행위를 함.

6월 상순 호주 시드니에 정박한 중국 해군 군함에서 내린
수병들이 수퍼마켓으로 침공(응??)하여....

엄청난 양의 아기 분유를 구매하여 승선했다고 합니다.
그래서 다른 호주인들이 불편을 겪었다고 합니다.

중국 군인들은 분유가 주식인가, 아니면 커피 대신 먹는 건가?
라고 조롱했답니다.

한편, 올해 초 중국 범죄 조직원이 호주산 분유를 대량으로 훔친 사건
있었다고 합니다.

이유는? 중국에서 불량 분유 파동으로 아기가 사망하는 사건이 있는 등
믿지를 못해서라고 합니다.

Chinese soldiers have been spotted loading their ships with baby ula after a five-day visit to Sydney

The purpose of China's visit was quickly questioned, amid heightened concern about Beijing's growing military clout. Despite the eerie presence, navy officers were snapped lugging dozens of boxes of A2 platinum and Aptamil ula aboard the ship. Pictured: Baby ula

Baby ula has been a highly sought-after product in Australian supermarkets over the last few years. Pictured: shopper fills trolley with baby ula

The baby ula crisis follows the 2008 milk scandal in China. Melamine, an industrial chemical, was found in locally made milk and baby ula, leading to the deaths of six children. Pictured: sparse shelves at an Australian supermarket

he baby ula crisis has even led to a number of heated blow-ups in supermarket aisles were shoppers have confronted others for ignoring the limit. Pictured: chaos as shoppers scour for baby ula

China's reliance on Australian baby ula is expected to decrease in the coming months after increased trade tensions with the US led China to focus on domestic production. Pictured: Chinese warships arrive in Sydney on Monday

The three Chinese warships, which were packed with 700 sailors dressed in uni, made an unannounced visit to Sydney Harbour on Monday morning

Major supermarkets Coles and Woolworths were forced to introduce a two-tin limit after customers stacked their trolleys to the brim with the product

The limits have not always been obeyed, with agitated customers often finding bare shelves and empty boxes sprawled along the floor

The warships had arrived on the eve of the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre on June 4, 1989 (Chinese warship pictured)

The three ships sailed out of Sydney on Friday afternoon after there surprise four-day stopover at the Garden Island naval base (Chinese warship pictured)


Chinese soldiers are spotted loading their ships with BABY FORMULA after five-day visit to Sydney | Daily Mail Online

Chinese warships loaded with Australian baby ula before departure

中国海軍の水兵 寄港地のシドニーで粉ミルク買い占め|ニフティニュース